Web Service Interface Principles
General information
- Each xServer module defines a services class that contains a set
of related web service
A web service represents a communication technology applied in computer networks. It provides an interface described in a machine-processable format, for example WSDL. operations.
- Web services can be accessed using
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the context of Web services. XML is used for definition of the message format, and it is based on other application layer protocols, like Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). or HTTP/JSON
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an open standard format for which human-readable text is used to transmit information consisting of attribute–value pairs. It is the first-address data format used for asynchronous browser/server communication (AJAX). protocols.
SOAP and JSON over HTTP Post
PTV xServer web services support both SOAP and JSON messages. Both protocols are viable and both are supported equally well.
- For web applications based on JavaScript/HTML5, JSON is much easier to use.
- For large scale enterprise integration, good points can be made for the SOAP protocol.
The JSON-based web interfaces look like they follow the popular REST architectural style. From a design standpoint, a pure REST style is not a natural match for PTV xServer: There are lots of resources, but only few could be directly addressed, and the PTV xServer is not a CRUD system, so most of the REST vocabulary is not used. The chosen hybrid approach of a REST-like RPC can be easily mixed with pure REST services. From the standpoint of a pragmatic engineer, the distinction is debatable anyhow: you can send data in JSON format with a plain http request and you will receive a response in JSON format - and that's that.
URL schema for web service end points
Web service end points follow a certain URL schema.
URL schema for SOAP:
URL schema for JSON:

http://localhost:50000/services/ws/XRoute/2.0 http://localhost:50000/services/rs/XRoute/2.0/calculateRoute https://finder.mycompany.com:50000/services/rs/XLocate/2.0/findAddress
The SOAP WSDL file can be accessed with parameter
, for example:
JSON using HTTP Get
In addition to SOAP and JSON using HTTP Post methods there are also some xServer services that support methods using simple HTTP Get methods. Those REST REST (Representational State Transfer) represents a World Wide Web paradigm, consisting of constraints to the design of components which results in a better performance and maintainability.-like methods encode their parameters within the URL and return the response as JSON, binary data or text. The xmap service, for example, returns tile images on URLs specifying the requested zoom level and x- and y-tile indices.
URL schema
HTTP Get methods follow a certain URL schema:
Parameters follow the base schema and depend on the operation. Here's an example for xmap:
http(s)://<hostname>:<port>/services/rest/XMap/2.0/tile/{zoomLevel}/{x}/{y}?storedProfile={profileA profile is a collection of parameters used to configure the request. Full profiles consist of a number of specialized sub-profiles like the VehicleProfile which describes the properties of a vehicle.}&contentType={contentType}&size={size}
PTV xServer web services support versioning. This means that a URL with a specific version will still be accessible on a future version of the server. This allows easy updates without breaking existing applications. If you do not need the versioned API and always want to use the latest version, you can simply leave out the version from any URL. This Head version always points to the latest API:
HTTP Requests
- PTV xServer services are accessed with HTTP Requests using the POST or GET method.
- There are some useful standard and custom HTTP request and response header fields that influence PTV xServer behavior or provide extra meta information.
- For details see the section about HTTP Requests.
Activating Message Compression
The PTV xServer will accept compressed requests and send compressed responses if the client has indicated acceptance by sending the appropriate headers. Clients generated from WSDL or by other means must explicitly activate compression.
For JAX-WS-based Java clients, the following code snippet can be used:
XRouteWSService service = new XRouteWSService(url, qname);
XRouteWS client = service.getXRouteWSPort();
Map<String, Object> ctxt = ((BindingProvider)client).getRequestContext();
Map<String, List<String>> theHeaders = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
theHeaders.put("Content-Encoding", Collections.singletonList("gzip"));
theHeaders.put("Accept-Encoding", Collections.singletonList("gzip"));
ctxt.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, theHeaders);
Activating Fast Infoset Encoding
For SOAP messages, PTV xServer supports the Fast Infoset binary XML encoding. When compared with ordinary XML, this encoding is a little faster to process and leads to smaller messages. Fast Infoset encoding can be combined with http compression.
For JAX-WS, the mode can be activated with
ctxt.put("com.sun.xml.internal.ws.client.ContentNegotiation", "pessimistic");
In order to use HTTP authentication with an PTV xServer you have
to create a file: users.properties
in the conf/
folder of your
PTV xServer installation
To add users and passwords, add lines of the
form userName=password to the file. The conf/users.properties
look somewhat like this:
HTTP authentication will be automatically turned on if the file
exists. Detailed information
on HTTPS authentication is available in the PTV Customer Area
(login needed).
Cross Origin Requests in Web Applications
To protect users from malicious scripts, browsers restrict Ajax requests to the URL protocol, domain and port the page it originated from. This is called Same Origin Policy.
To host a web application using PTV xServer directly, there are several ways to make cross origin requests work:
Send requests to the origin address of the web application and make the web server or a proxy redirect the PTV xServer queries to their appropriate destinations in the internal network. Most web servers / web application servers support such redirections (e.g.
Apache's mod_rewrite or UrlRewriteFilter
for Tomcat). -
Bundle all PTV xServer services into one domain and port (also known as the PTV xServer Bundle setup), and serve your web application from that location as well.
Use the CORS support in the PTV xServer Tomcat configuration. The servlet filter you need is already bundled and configured, so CORS will work out of the box. CORS usage is not supported by old browsers such as Internet Explorers before version 8, and has certain restrictions in Internet Explorer 8 and 9: Most notably, custom http headers are not allowed.
There are further possible techniques, such as JSONP, or using window.postMessage from an iframe, but these approaches are more problematic regarding cross-site scripting attacks.
Related Topics
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